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About de

"If the World Is won by scrupleless people, for all other there is the whole Universe-"
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Fornasari Theorem 


Art as a vindication of a moral life and full of responsibility.

The artist is invested by the true responsibility intrinsic to the messages he launches

... and invites everyone to observe the world from a different perspective, as if it were an alien who has just come down to earth.

Not recognizing himself in today's earthly man, he feels alien, feels the desire, through his talent, his art, to rise metaphorically in a parallel dimension,

where he can feed his spirit and his creativity.

From this Space he observes and sees the distortions of the Earth denouncing them and responds to them by launching his messages in favor of the earth and of man.

Launch messages to the Beyond in an attempt to meet a new form of intelligent and more evolved life; evolved to be closer and more attentive to the needs of the human soul.

The artist is an accomplice of the human who does not like to define himself as such.

The artist collaborates with his super-ego to make public opinion sensitive to the void of morality and responsibility that grips the contemporary world towards truly human creatures

and as such more defenseless: children and animals.

The artist works neither for the immediate nor for tomorrow, but in the search to create in his own life a work of art that synthesises this sensibility.

As such he is not an artist, but likes to define himself as a "language modifier" in the perceived need to modify the language of today's society which is centered on inhuman values,

such as wealth and power.

@ Fornasari Theorem 

Performance "Teoremino"

Teorema  indossa una maschera aliena per incarnare un bambino venuto da un altro mondo. Questo personaggio rappresenta una prospettiva pura e incontaminata, in contrasto con le complessità e le problematiche del mondo umano. La scelta di un bambino alieno simboleggia la ricerca di un'intelligenza superiore, capace di comprendere la realtà senza essere influenzata dalle dinamiche distruttive degli esseri umani.

Nel corso della performance, il bambino alieno osserva il nostro mondo con meraviglia e disorientamento, ponendo domande profonde sulle azioni e i comportamenti degli adulti. La citazione "Se il mondo è vinto dalle persone senza scrupoli, a tutti gli altri rimane intero universo" emerge come un potente monito, suggerendo che, nonostante le sfide e le ingiustizie, ci sono ancora spazi di possibilità e di speranza per un futuro migliore.

Attraverso questa narrazione, "Teoremino" invita il pubblico a riflettere sulla propria umanità, sull'importanza di preservare una visione innocente e curiosa del mondo, e sull’urgenza di adottare comportamenti più etici e responsabili. La performance diventa così un appello a riscoprire la meraviglia e la responsabilità che abbiamo nei confronti del nostro pianeta e delle generazioni future.

© 2023 by Teorema Fornasari. Proudly created

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